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Tuna burger


  • 600 g tuna
  • 2 eggs
  • 300 g seed oil
  • 0,5 dcl of olive oil
  • 1 lemon
  • tablespoon of vinegar
  • 50 g smoked paprika
  • 200 g of tomato
  • 250 g of lettuce
  • salt and pepper
  • burger buns

Slice the tuna, season with pepper, salt and smoked paprika and make patties. Slice the onion and stew until completely soft. After that, blend one egg and one egg yolk, seed oil, lemon juice, vinegar, salt and smoked paprika in a tall bowl to make mayonnaise. Cut the rolls and heat them in a pan, and cook the tuna meat for two minutes on each side. At the end, it remains to serve - put the baked tuna in the pastry, then add the caramelized onions, your homemade mayonnaise, lettuce and tomato.